Company name

Term Main definition
Company name
Company name/ business name is protected as a business name according to trademark law. Additional protection as a trademark is usually recommended.

The company name is a material part of corporate identity. Its selection and use should therefore be carefully considered and planned. Additional protection of a company name via a trademark is frequently useful.

Advice for use in practice: The use of a company name may also infringe older trademarks of third parties (referred to as trademark infringement). This risk may be reduced in a cost-effective way by conducting a trademark search in the Commercial Register prior to commencement of use or registration. Our fixed price “PRO” packages include such trademark searches for identical or similar trademarks. Searches for company names are additionally possible and recommended. We will also conduct company name searches on your behalf.

Synonyms: Business name
For additional information see our FAQ or our Trademark Glossary.

For additional information see our FAQ or our Trademark Glossary.

Trademark Glossary
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