Trade mark glossary

Trademark Glossary

There are numerous technical terms in trademark law. We explain these in our Trademark Glossary.

Term Main definition

The trademark owner is entitled to a recall in case of trademark infringement.


The “R in a circle” indicates that the relevant trademark followed by this sign is a registered trademark.

Synonyms - R in circle,Registered,®

Registrability means a trademark meeting the requirements for trademark protection. Older third-party IP rights may nevertheless hinder the final registration.


The registration of a trademark gives rise to the exclusive right. Once the trademark has been registered, it may be enforced.

Registration date

Date on which the trademark was registered.


The term of protection of a trademark may be renewed against payment of the corresponding fees. Renewal is possible as often as desired.

Retail services/Wholesale services

Retail services/wholesale services include services directly related to retail/wholesale activities.

Right-preserving use

Right-preserving use means that the trademark owner actually uses the trademark in the course of trade for the registered goods or services.

Risk of repetition

Claims for injunction require that there is a risk of the infringer committing the specific infringing act again in the future, which is referred to as the risk of repetition. Even a single infringement leads to a risk of repetition. The risk of repetition can only be eliminated by a cease and desist declaration with a penalty clause.

For additional information see our FAQ or our Trademark Glossary.

For additional information see our FAQ or our Trademark Glossary.

Trademark Glossary
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