Nice Classification

Begriff Erläuterung
Nice Classification

The Nice Classification is an international classification of goods and services for which a trademark is applied for. The classification is based on 34 classes of goods and 11 classes of services.

The Nice Classification was established by the international Nice Agreement in 1957. All state parties to the Nice Agreement apply the Nice Classification to trademark applications in their countries. A commission of experts revises the Nice Classification every year, taking into account new terms for goods and services. The application of the Nice Classification facilitates the uniform filing of trademark applications in different countries.

When applying for a trademark in Germany and the EU, a list of goods and services must be filed in which the goods/services are listed and assigned to the respective class of the Nice Classification.

Advice for use in practice: How well a trademark protects your activity or your products depends, among other things, on the wording of the goods/services claimed. Prior to applying for a trademark, carefully consider which goods/services are of interest to you and which classes should be claimed. In our BASIS and PRO price packages we draw up a list of goods/services on your behalf.

Synonyme: International Trademark classification
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