Trademark Infringement

Begriff Erläuterung
Trademark Infringement

The application for a trademark or the use of a sign may lead to the infringement of earlier trademarks.

Owners of earlier conflicting trademarks can assert their trademark right in court and/or out of court. Among other things, they can demand that you cancel your new trademark, refrain from using the sign, pay damages, and bear legal fees. If trademark infringement has actually been committed, this may also lead to considerable consequences in practice. You may have to develop a new logo, rename your company and all associated advertising material, notify your customers about the changes, etc.

Advice for use in practice: By conducting trademark similarity search prior to application and first use of your trademark, the risk of a conflict with earlier trademarks of third parties can be identified and reduced by taking appropriate steps.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter FAQ oder in unserem Markenlexikon.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter FAQ oder in unserem Markenlexikon.


Wir beraten und vertreten wir Sie auch im Fall einer Markenverletzung, Abmahnung, Abgrenzungsvereinbarung, Lizenz
oder bei anderen Fragen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes.

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