Figurative mark

Begriff Erläuterung
Figurative mark

designates a two-dimensional mark showing exclusively graphic elements, i.e., images, figurative elements, or illustrations (without word elements).

Words in non-Latin script are also referred to as “figurative marks.” If the mark contains graphic elements and Latin characters, it is a word and figurative mark.

For figurative marks, one or more color shades may also be claimed, so that these will then also have to be taken into account in the scope of protection of the mark.

Figurative marks are also examined for absolute registration obstacles by the Trademark Office. Very simple geometric shapes, for example, may not be registered as figurative marks. The mere illustration of a product is not registrable as a figurative mark either if the illustration only represents the typical characteristics of the product.

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Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter FAQ oder in unserem Markenlexikon.


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