Exclusivity agreement

Begriff Erläuterung
Exclusivity agreement

If there is a conflict between your trademark and an older or younger sign, it may be resolved by an exclusivity agreement.

When trademark rights are colliding, the legal situation is frequently complicated. Additionally, economic interests influence the outcome of a dispute. In many cases, it is advisable for the parties to settle their dispute amicably and to stipulate their respective interests in a contract, referred to as an exclusivity agreement. Exclusivity agreements create a binding solution between the parties, with the main focus on practicable solutions.

Advice for use in practice: An exclusivity agreement also allows to establish long-term and economically drastic provisions. Termination options or considerations relating to legal successors should also be included in an exclusivity agreement. Consult a specialized lawyer who is familiar with the various available options.

Synonyme: Coexistence Agreement
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