Change of the trademark

Begriff Erläuterung
Change of the trademark

Changes of the trademark after application is only possible to a very limited extent.

After filing an application, it is no longer possible to change a German trademar or EU Trade Mark with respect to the sign itself, i.e., the word or logo applied for. Only linguistic errors, spelling mistakes, or other obvious mistakes may be corrected. In other countries, registered trademarks may be modified to a much greater extent.

The list of goods and services applied for may always be restricted, but never extended. Where, after filing a trademark application, additional goods or services are of interest, another trademark with those goods or services would have to be filed for the same sign.

Advice for use in practice: Prior to filing, the form of the trademark and the goods and services for which the trademark is applied for should be carefully considered. A well-chosen and well filed trademark saves costs and will be easier to enforce.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter FAQ oder in unserem Markenlexikon.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter FAQ oder in unserem Markenlexikon.


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oder bei anderen Fragen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes.

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